
Blog - Events - posts for June 2020

Jun 24 2020

NGI Impact Week

Cedric Thomas, OW2 CEO, joins a networking session organized by NGI Ledger and BluMorpho.

Networking session: Collaboration and Investment Discussion


On Wednesday 24 June, Cedric Thomas, OW2 CEO, joined a networking session organized by NGI Ledger and BluMorpho with speakers from FundingBox, Blockwall Capital Fund, and the B-Hub supporting Blockchain companies. He had the opportunity to present the ReachOut platform to 16 SME decision makers.

The Impact Week is a digital week where participants create their own programme to connect, exchange and build through positive impact. They can join digitally and get to know impact leaders, investors and makers that have been working on new and sustainable solutions to address challenges of today and tomorrow.

Check out the Impact Week Programme


Jun 22 2020

IoF 2020 Webinar

IoF2020 the EU pilot project validating IoT solutions across agricultural sectors and ReachOut co-organize a webinar on best practices and tools for user acceptance testing.

Title: Best practices and tools for user acceptance testing of digital solutions in the agrifood and IoT context


Get insights on best practices and tools for user acceptance testing of digital solutions by the EU projects IoF2020 & ReachOut. 

To attend this webinar, please register here

User Acceptance Testing (UAT), also known as End-User Testing or Beta testing, is crucial to receive early feedback on usability and relevance of features from your future end-users and to discover, record and correct any defects at an early stage. Basically, it’s the closest thing to a real-world test.
